Sojourns presents healthy homeschoolers program

WESTMINSTER — Sojourns Community Health Clinic announces a series of workshops for homeschoolers ages 8 to 11 on how to achieve and maintain good health. The workshops will be held on Oct. 21 and 28 and Nov. 4.

This special series marks the first time a clinic rooted in biological medicine - a holistic approach to health that involves strengthening the body's life force by removing blockages, relieving toxic load and improving metabolism - has taken on the work of educating young children about how to prevent illness by maintaining balance in their bodies through nutrition, exercise, self care, and regular evaluation.

Dr. Linda Haltinner, Sojourns Community Health Clinic's Integrative Care Director, said that she believes that health maintenance work with children is the next frontier of health care.

“Kids are so willing to explore new ideas; if we can begin to change the way kids think about their bodies and healing, we can change the health of the world,” she said.

The program will begin with a nutritional microscopy assessment on Oct. 21. This tool is a cornerstone of biological medicine and provides qualitative information about how the body is functioning.

Dr. Aimee Knauff, a naturopath who works with many children at the clinic, will narrate the homeschoolers' journeys through their bodies. Are they dehydrated? Is it likely that they have food sensitivities? Is their immune system responsive? This and more will be explored when the kids see the universe inside their bodies on a computer screen.

The second session, on Oct. 28, will focus on diet, casting everything from the protein-carbohydrate balance to vitamin RDAs to the bacteria in our stomachs, in easy-to-understand language for elementary-aged children.

The session will wrap up on Nov. 4 with a class on exercise and self-care, in which the kids will learn a range of approaches to staying healthy through movement and complementary therapy practices.

Classes take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Sojourns Community Health Clinic and require advance registration, as space is limited. The cost is minimal. Contact Alphabet Journey director Carol Greenhouse at or 802-536-4300 to register or for more information.

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