
Thanks to voters in primary election

WINDHAM — I want to offer my sincere and humble thanks to the voters of the Windham-3 district, including the towns of Athens, Brookline, Grafton, North Westminster, Rockingham, and Windham, for voting for me in the primary election. I am truly honored to receive one of the Democratic nominations to run in the general election on Nov. 6.

I especially want to thank all of the people who supported my candidacy by writing letters to the editor, making phone calls, placing my signs in their yards, contributing money to my campaign, and offering moral support at the polls. I could not have done it without your help!

I encourage you to continue to contact me with any questions, ideas, or concerns. I can be reached by mail at 1612 Old Cheney Rd, Windham, VT 05359 and by phone at 874-4182. My email address is hoparwel@sover.net, and my website is www.carolynpartridge.com. Please do not hesitate to contact me!

Thanks again for your support! I look forward to a positive, issues-based campaign for the Nov. 6 election.

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