“A simple quiz” [Voices, Sept. 5] was a very-well-done article.
To any who might say that I'm anti-God or even anti-religion, I would reply: No. Just anti-theocracy.
Emily Hallock is a patient care technician at Brattleboro Retreat. She originally posted this piece...
WEST BRATTLEBORO-Free the drugs. I suggest the state of Vermont offers free drugs administered by...
PUTNEY-The Jim Jeffords ("I didn't leave the party, the party left me") solution: The U.S.
MIDDLEBURY-CCM Holland Mills' letter itself is filled with untrue statements and harmful rhetoric, which I,
Hello to all residing in the Hamlet of Wind! Speaking of wind, the strong-to-severe thunderstorms early in the week have given way to a cooler, drier, and more-pleasant flow out of the west and northwest. I don't know about you, but this is the kind of summer weather I can tolerate. However, all you heat lovers will get another chance to bask in your summery glory once this weekend arrives as we push to near 90 degrees. For Wednesday, high...
Are other Vermonters distressed about the early makeup of the 2022 Vermont election slates? I have volunteered for every statewide campaign that Bernie Sanders has run, and I am a huge fan. However, the early and uncalled-for endorsement of Peter Welch for the Senate seat being vacated by Patrick Leahy is just wrong. Peter Welch has had numerous terms to distinguish himself in the House, and while he votes the right way for the political views of Vermonters, he has...
Four powerful recent films that might have slipped beneath your radar - and are worth seeing - are featured in the Latchis' inaugural Off the Beaten Path series, which runs Saturdays and Sundays from July 12 through Aug. 3. Organizers call the series “an antidote for a summer cinema season dominated by blockbusters.” It comes as the suggestion of loyal Latchis audience members who wanted more diverse cinema offerings. “We love our big-budget blockbusters here, but many people told us...
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