BRATTLEBORO — RE: “V-Why?” [Letters, Sept. 25].
Why do the vast majority of anti-Vermont Yankee protesters emanate from outside Vermont?
Ross Momaney ( is a visual artist and arts educator. By blending these roles, he...
Michelle Bos-Lun and Richard Nelson are state representatives who sit across the table from each...
Carolyn North ( is a writer of books that address "the interface between matter and...
Jon Hoover is assistant executive director of Groundworks Collaborative. BRATTLEBORO-This community needs to come together...
The U.S. Department of Justice has filed an antitrust lawsuit to block a merger involving one of the key players in the proposed sale of Vermont Yankee. Federal officials say Salt Lake City-based EnergySolutions shouldn't be allowed to acquire Texas-based Waste Control Specialists because the deal would create a “near monopoly” in the business of low-level radioactive waste disposal. Waste Control Specialists, also called WCS, is slated to become a partner in Vermont Yankee decommissioning under a sale agreement announced...
I have attended study committee meetings since the beginning. The Act 46 Study Committee voted to accept the Articles of Agreement and to send them to the state Board of Education. The committee had scheduled an all-towns vote on Nov. 8, but they have since decided to postpone it to next year. I am upset about the comments that Dummerston's voting member made to the study committee. She said that the Dummerston residents are “stuck on adult issues” rather than...
Only a few days remain to view the current exhibits at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. Closing March 8: • “VT Kids Design Glass II,” a sequel to 2011's popular exhibit and community outreach program, where 21 professional glass artists created 24 unique sculptures based on kids' drawings of imaginary creatures. • “Jerry's Map” by Jerry Gretzinger, which began in 1963 with a doodled map of a small imaginary town and now comprises more than 2,600 panels. • Sabra...
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P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
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