BRATTLEBORO — RE: “A community photographer, mentor, and friend” [Editorial, April 3]:
A nice tribute to a good friend who is already missed by many.
Emily Hallock is a patient care technician at Brattleboro Retreat. She originally posted this piece...
WEST BRATTLEBORO-Free the drugs. I suggest the state of Vermont offers free drugs administered by...
PUTNEY-The Jim Jeffords ("I didn't leave the party, the party left me") solution: The U.S.
MIDDLEBURY-CCM Holland Mills' letter itself is filled with untrue statements and harmful rhetoric, which I,
As local leaders here tell it, residents who see people asking for spare change along downtown streets, parking lots, and traffic medians are expressing both sides of the coin. "A highly sympathetic view might hold that panhandling is essential to a poor person's survival and should not be restricted or discouraged in any way," Town Manager John Potter wrote in a recent memorandum to the Selectboard. "A less sympathetic view might see the behavior as contributing to chaos, community disorder...
I was full of Christmas cheer as I took a trolley from Cambridge to Boston to wait for the train to Brattleboro. It was snowing heavily. I was excited about spending a Vermont Christmas with my brother Paddy, his wife Betty, and their little daughter Leish, but I was also excited at the thought of meeting my girlfriend Tina in New York after Christmas. To my surprise, I began to realize how very close we'd become in a short time.
Bellows Falls-based Great Falls Community Media will present three concerts with the What Doth Life music cooperative from Windsor. The concerts begin on Saturday, July 21, and continue on Aug. 18 and Sept. 15. Great Falls Community Media is the nonprofit parent organization of community radio station WOOL 100.1 FM, and of What's Up In the Valley magazine, a monthly events periodical for the mid-river valley. What Doth Life (WDL) is a consortium of musicians who have banded together to...
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
The Commons is published by Vermont Independent Media, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.