Fritz calls it quits

Selectboard accepts her resignation, sets July 6 deadline for appointing replacement

NEWFANE — Citing “marginalization,” Newfane Selectboard member Rosalind Fritz resigned her position on June 5 via a letter to the Board.

The Commons previously reported Fritz resigned at the June 1 regular Selectboard meeting.

However, after an apology from Selectboard Chair Todd Lawley, and requests from Lawley and Board member Carol Hatcher that she change her mind, Fritz resumed her position. ["Resignation narrowly averted, Fritz decides to stay on Selectboard,” Town & Village, June 10, 2015]

She said four days later, after a dispute with another colleague on the Board and a town employee that she thought had been settled at the Selectboard meeting, Fritz decided to resign for good.

During an executive session on June 15, the Selectboard accepted Fritz's resignation. Lawley announced the Board's decision, and the vacancy, later that day at the regular Selectboard meeting.

Lawley invited interested parties to send a letter of interest, and a résumé, to Administrative Assistant Shannon Meckle, either by post to P.O. Box 296, Newfane, Vermont 05345, or via email to

Newfane's town website lists the solicitation at and notes a July 6 deadline.

A future special meeting will be held after the deadline, Lawley said, but it has not yet been scheduled.

Fritz told The Commons she plans to continue “looking around to see where I can make a difference to help the town.”

Mentioning her unofficial position as Newfane's Rose Pruner, she said she will go on taking care of the donated rose bushes behind the town's Historical Society of Windham County museum.

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