BELLOWS FALLS — Bellows Falls has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to art and culture, and I'm proud to be a small part of that.
BRATTLEBORO-I want to express my support for those of my neighbors, the children at my...
BRATTLEBORO-It's good to see the American flag flying at half-staff again after the exoneration of...
BRATTLEBORO-The incoming president has now signed pardons for the violent treasonous folks who stormed the...
Lisa Chase is retired and lives in Putney, where she is a member of the...
Although costs are becoming more sharply focused as the town continues to explore supplying fire and emergency services in future, there's still much more to know. The Selectboard heard a fourth informational report regarding what is being called the Fire/EMS Transition Project at its July 25 meeting, which focused on what a fully municipal service model or contracted services model might look like. "We have a long way to go," said Selectboard member Peter Case, pointing out again that the...
Since the inception of the environmental movement with Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring, there has been a concerted effort on the part of special-interest groups and related corporations to discredit and intimidate environmental and watchdog groups like the New England Coalition - and to mislead the public by disseminating false information through advertising campaigns and other means. So let's get a few facts straight about the sale of Vermont Yankee to NorthStar. NorthStar as a company was established in November...
Friends of Music at Guilford seeks additional voices for its Chamber Singers in preparation for its yearly “A Cappella à la Carte” event. This 50th Anniversary Season finale is set for Saturday, June 25, at a hilltop property in Guilford. The gathering will include a brief annual meeting, a potluck meal, and concert sets by the Chamber Singers and the Singcrony women's quartet. Other music-making may emerge as plans develop for this half-century birthday celebration. The Chamber Singers will perform...
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