DOVER — Your paper is excellent - for starting fires.
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Ross Momaney ( is a visual artist and arts educator. By blending these roles, he...
Michelle Bos-Lun and Richard Nelson are state representatives who sit across the table from each...
Carolyn North ( is a writer of books that address "the interface between matter and...
Jon Hoover is assistant executive director of Groundworks Collaborative. BRATTLEBORO-This community needs to come together...
I recently interviewed Melvin Harris, who was born in Birmingham, Ala., and he's been in the area for about 10 years. He worked for a while at C & S Wholesale Grocers and Vermont Bread Company, but then he found himself homeless, living in abandoned houses and sleeping under bridges. But now he is a resident of the Great River Terrace, a supportive housing community on Putney Road on the site of the former Lamplighter Motel at 1336 Putney Rd.
What is there to say about the final report of the Community Safety Review Project? In fact, there's a lot one could say about it, which should not be surprising, since it's a 224-page document that summarizes months of work relating to important questions of public policy. While most people will probably read the executive summary and perhaps the 22 pages of key findings and recommendations, the full scope of the project - both what was done and what was...
NXT Gallery is hosting an exhibit of diverse photographic works from Aug. 19 though Nov. 12 on the second floor of Next Stage Arts, 15 Kimball Hill. Entitled "Four Perspectives," the exhibit represents the work of Al Karevy, Davida Carta, Joshua Farr, and Vaune Trachtman - four local artists who are members of the Vermont Center for Photography in downtown Brattleboro. "The Vermont Center for Photography's group show is an opportunity for us to highlight a peer cultural organization and...
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