
Keep VY while developing other sources

BRATTLEBORO — I believe we should “think globally, act locally.” Climate change is on the forefront of the news and minds of people all over the world. Now is not the time to be shutting down power plants that have low carbon footprints.

We have the most environmentally friendly, cleanest, and safely run source of power in our backyard. Vermont Yankee has been the major contributor to Vermont's number-one ranking of lowest carbon footprint. Not relicensing Vermont Yankee will threaten Vermont's commitment to our environment.

Our focus needs to shift to the coal and gas burners. Bring on solar and wind to replace these environmentally unfriendly power plants. Relicensing Vermont Yankee allows us to meet increasing demands for electricity and economic growth while protecting Vermont's environment at the same time. This also keeps the cost of electricity low to allow development of other green sources in our state.

Vermont Yankee is safely and reliably operated by local people that care about Vermont's environmental future. The Brattleboro Food Co-op's motto is “Our Roots are Local.” Shouldn't we think the same of relicensing Vermont Yankee?

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