WBA hosts District 1 discussion of Representative Town Meeting warning
WEST BRATTLEBORO - The West Brattleboro Association invites all residents of West Brattleboro/District 1 to a discussion of the warning for the March 23 annual Representative Town Meeting.
This Q&A session will be held Thursday, March 7, at 7 p.m., in the Hayes Court Community Room on Garfield Drive. It will last until approximately 8:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided.
The meeting is open to the general public, but the WBA most especially invites all District 1 voters and all District 1 Town Meeting representatives to this gathering. This part of the evening will be facilitated by Chris Chapman, and state Rep. Emilie Kornheiser, D-Brattleboro, will attend and can address related legislative developments.
The warning can be found at the “Representative Town Meeting” link within the “Town Clerk” section of www.brattleboro.org.
'Economy for All' tour to begin in BF
BELLOWS FALLS - The Rights & Democracy Education Fund is sponsoring a statewide tour that, according to a news release, is designed “to engage Vermonters on critical issues facing our communities.”
Rights & Democracy says the seven-stop Economy for All Town Hall Tour of Vermont in March and April hopes to address topics such as “racial justice, raising the minimum wage, paid family and medical leave, universal health care, ensuring clean water, a just transition to a 100 percent real renewable future, and more.”
This tour will make its first stop in Bellows Falls, on March 7, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Masonic Temple, 61 Westminster St. It is free and open to the public. To RSVP, go to secure.everyaction.com.
Town Halls are also planned for Rutland, St. Albans, Hardwick, Waitsfield, Vergennes, and Montpelier. The special guest speaker at each of the Town Halls will be Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman. Additional speakers will include local legislators, community leaders, and community members.
Aging in Place workshop returns
BRATTLEBORO - While Vermont has the second highest aging population in the nation, Brattleboro doesn't have many housing options for seniors who want to or need to downsize but who want to stay in their communities. One option might be creating a senior co-housing community.
Senior Co-housing is a planned community of independent homes with neighbors within walking distance and shared ownership of a common house and grounds governed by the community. More information can be found at the Sage Cohousing website, sagecohoadvocates.org.
Could such a community be created locally? On Thursday, March 7, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., at the Community Room of the Brattleboro Food Co-op, 7 Canal St., Annamarie Pluhar will facilitate a preliminary discussion about aging in place. For more information, contact Pluhar at annamarie@sharinghousing.org or 802-451-1941.
Prom wear needed for upcoming season
CHESTER - The Chester-Andover Family Center needs your help. Prom time is around the corner, and CFAC needs to replenish its inventory for the center's third annual Prom Wear Sale.
Every teen deserves a special, affordable prom outfit to look and feel amazing, and CFAC wants to help area teens look fabulous without breaking the bank. A complete prom outfit can be had for as little as $20.
This month, CFAC will begin its special prom shopping events, so they are seeking donations of dresses, tuxedos, dress shirts, ties, and dress shoes.
The Thrift Shop can receive prom-wear donations during regular business hours: Thursdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. They can also receive prom wear by appointment. Call 802-875-3236 for more information.
Pet vaccination clinic in Wilmington
WILMINGTON - The Wilmington Fire Department will sponsor a pet vaccination clinic at the firehouse on Saturday, March 9, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Dr. Miles A. Powers will vaccinate both dogs and cats. This clinic is open to anyone. Fees will be $15 for rabies and $25 for a distemper-complex vaccine for either a dog or cat, or $35 for both vaccinations.
Dogs should be on a leash and cats in a carrier. For further information, call 802-348-7918.
Sugar-on-Snow supper served in West B
WEST BRATTLEBORO - For nearly seven decades, the First Congregational Church at 880 Western Ave. has been serving up a delicious Vermont Sugar-on-Snow supper each March.
On Saturday, March 9, the tradition continues with a menu of ham, maple baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, deviled eggs, oatmeal rolls, sugar-on-snow, homemade doughnuts, pickles, coffee, tea, and milk.
Many hands work together to prepare this special dinner, with proceeds benefiting the mission and work of this community church.
There will be two seatings, at 5 and 6:15 p.m. Prices are $12 for adults, $6 for children ages 5-12, and $3 for ages 4 and under. For reservations, call 802-257-7557. Takeouts are also available.
The white-steepled church stands between the Academy School and the West Brattleboro Fire House.
Par for the Cause Mini-Golf Classic benefits Prouty Center
BRATTLEBORO - The Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development will host its fifth annual indoor mini-golf fundraiser, Par for the Cause, on Saturday, March 9, from 6 to 9 p.m., and Sunday, March 10, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Winston Prouty Center, 209 Austine Drive.
The evening event on Saturday will feature food by Guilford Country Store, a cash bar by Hazel, and a silent auction of fun experiences. Tickets are $25 per person.
The fun continues on Sunday when the course will be open to families, with kid-friendly snacks and activities. Tickets are $5 per player, or $20 per family.
Proceeds from Par for the Cause support the many programs of the Winston Prouty Center, which serve more than 600 local families every year. For tickets, go to winstonprouty.org.
BF Woman's Club to meet
BELLOWS FALLS - The Bellows Falls Woman's Club will meet on March 12 at the United Church on School Street, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Thomas Fontaine, local teacher and author of historical fiction for middle-school students, will be the speaker.
The Feb. 12 meeting of the club was canceled due to a pending storm. On March 12, members may bring non-perishable food and personal care items for the Our Place Drop-in Center.
Sign-up sheets for committees for the club's third high tea event to be held on May 5 at the Masonic Temple in Bellows Falls will be available. This event supports the club's high school scholarship. Plans for the April 16 annual club-sponsored arts show at Bellows Falls Union High School will be outlined.
Trout Unlimited, Forest Service plan public hearing on Deerfield Valley fisheries
WILMINGTON - The Connecticut River Valley chapter of Trout Unlimited invites chapter members and the public to a meeting on Tuesday, March 12, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Wilmington Town Hall meeting room to discuss the U.S. Forest Service Integrated Resource Management Project and how it can improve local fisheries in the Deerfield River valley.
According to a news release, the U.S. Forest Service will discuss its ideas for wildlife management projects for 71,000 acres surrounding the Somerset Reservoir during this meeting of the Trout Unlimited chapter.
The project, known as the Somerset Integrated Resource Management Project includes land in Dover, Glastenbury, Searsburg, Somerset, Stratton, Wilmington, and Woodford, and small portions of Sunderland and Wardsboro.
According to the Forest Service, the goals of the project are to improve wildlife and fish habitat, enhance forest health, provide timber products, control non-native invasive plants, restore soil and water conditions, increase recreation and scenery viewing opportunities, improve the trail and road network, and protect or enhance heritage sites throughout the area.
The Trout Unlimited chapter says it wants to see that the cold water fishery resources are adequately considered as part of this extensive project. All TU members and any members of the pubic interested in the fishing interests in this area are encouraged to attend the meeting.
For more information, visit the Facebook page of the Connecticut River Chapter of Trout Unlimited at www.facebook.com/TUconnriver, or email strictlytrout@vermontel.net.
Williamsville/Newfane Talent Show returns
WILLIAMSVILLE - The Williamsville/Newfane Talent Show returns on Saturday, March 16, at the Williamsville Hall.
This is your chance to strut your stuff: sing, play, dance, act, read, juggle, clown, standup, improvise, spin plates, or whatever else you might have in mind. Contact Melanie Kesier to sign up at 802-258-8022 or melaniekeiser@gmail.com.
Hospice offers Pet Loss Support Group
BRATTLEBORO - A six-week Pet Loss Support Group will meet Thursdays, beginning March 15 and ending April 19, at Brattleboro Area Hospice, 191 Canal St. Cheryl Richards is the facilitator.
Anyone who has experienced the death of a beloved furry, winged, or scaly family member is deeply aware of how profound a loss this can be. Saying goodbye to anyone we love is always a difficult experience.
When the loved one is a companion animal, its grieving humans often feel isolated and lost, with the intensity of their grief going unrecognized or minimized by those around them.
This group is for adults who have experienced the death of their companion animal. Topics will include stories of love, joy, and loss, exploring and sharing methods of maneuvering through the grieving journey and examining how the human/animal connection has enriched our lives. To pre-register and for more information, call 802-257-0775.
Crafters wanted for Athens Brick Meetinghouse Quilt Show, Craft Fair
ATHENS - The Athens Brick Meetinghouse Committee is sponsoring a Quilt Show and Craft Fair on June 22, and they are seeking quilters to “Fill our Pews” and crafters to set up booths on the lawn.
The show will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the corner of Route 35 and Meetinghouse Road in Athens, with an entry fee of $10 for a booth, due by April 15.
Interested quilters and crafters may contact Pamela Russo at athensmeetinghouse1817@gmail.com, or 802-869-2557. This event, and two concerts planned for the summer, will raise money for maintenance and stabilization of the 202-year-old Meetinghouse.