
Why I want to be Vermont’s governor

PUTNEY —  I am now an official candidates for governor of Vermont. My interest in this political job is to use my talents to inspire others to reach down further inside of themselves and live up to their highest potential. That is what I am good at. I am also good at speaking truth to power. I am also likely the most frugal of candidates, perhaps winning the “necessity is the mother of invention” award itself.

I believe in joy and bounty, but I also believe in productivity. My vision starts building our sovereign independence from a corporate bank-owned federal government and Federal Reserve, and following in North Dakota's footsteps with a Bank of Vermont to add a new step of our own in monetary transformation. 

I am not so liberal as everyone. I want to increase productivity of people receiving state welfare or disability payments. I think it's a helpful expectation to suggest that every person can be productive in another manner. Now, as a state, we need one another's help - every last one of us!

With my election to the governor's seat, I will request the unelected remainder to work along with me to bring all the best of public service to our beautiful Vermont. In some cases, Vermont will request a donation of their expert services for a period of a year, because a few of them are quite substantially blessed in the income department. I know I am not interested in a $90,000 salary, and would like to use the excess to invest in small family farms in Vermont. I believe $45,000 would feel quite too much, and I likely could still give away most of that. I would like Peter Shumlin to oversee and manage the closure of Vermont Yankee and Matt Dunne to oversee and manage the implementation of statewide high-speed access Internet.

In Vermont, we spend more on our prison system than we do on higher education. Why are we doing that? What ginormous idiot-wind would complain of youth moving out of Vermont without transforming the industry of creating criminals?

My theme is TNT - transformation and transition. Our health care and special education costs will be eliminated through increasing our expenditure on whole and local foods. Our obese children need walking classrooms and fresh-air learning. Our health is our wealth. Becoming too dependent on doctors and Big Pharma is hardly the answer.

Why are we taxing Vermont products? Let's stop doing that.  Lets also accept the value of service in cases where property taxes are moving people out of their long-held and beloved homes.  I am among the awakened people who are living the American Reality (and doing so with gusto), but there are still more than a few of you still thrashing about while sleeping the American Dream.

Our future will be determined by one factor, our willingness to work together for the good of all. That means that the old paradigm of working to be rich is to be replaced with a more balanced definition of bountiful happiness. I have a way that we can augment the value of a decent wage, since the minimum wage is nothing more than economic enslavement by the lawyers and lawmakers. More on that when I am elected.

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For the time being, I encourage everyone to think in terms of working together, protecting each other, and finding new means every day to augment your independence from consumerism and restore your connection to Mother Earth. Father God will help you as you help yourself.

We know that oil production will fall, and we know that oil corporations have bound us to petroleum products needlessly. We also know that the Federal Reserve is comprised of a psychotically greedy core. We finally know that religion/church has long been working behind the scenes with the state to establish a dualistic meek and sinner mindset among the Christian majority, and, in so doing, creating mass acceptance of external authority and thereby a low incidence of responsible sovereign peoples.

We also should prepare for the collapse of the monetary debt-based system as created by the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, AIG, et al. This is my area of specific knowledge. I want Vermont to weather the transition with more grace and less chaos. If you don't feel like I have a chance, or deserve election as an independent, then it is your own foot that you point your gun at.

Speaking of guns, we need every member of our own National Guard on the ground here in Vermont contributing to our transformation. It is constitutional to require their presence here. Further, I believe there is much that must be accomplished right here in Vermont by their effort, including the establishment of, protection of, and production of a robust hemp industry for our food, fuel and clothing needs down the road.

Enough for now; reach me at empeyton@vermontforward.com, and with me, stretch out our hearts and minds together to make the most of our American Reality.

Thank you for participating as I share these intentions.

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