BRATTLEBORO-In the predawn hours of Nov. 7, a fire tore through the abandoned remains of...
PUTNEY-A fourth appeal to the Vermont Supreme Court has proved unsuccessful in stopping the proposed...
BRATTLEBORO-A group of residents has successfully petitioned for a special Town Meeting to debate whether...
BRATTLEBORO-Once you have lived through a civil war, or been beaten and tortured and starved,
The final big jigsaw piece needed to establish the new Windham Southeast School District locked into place on June 25 when just over 200 voters approved the district's $50.3 million fiscal year 2020 budget at the new district's first annual meeting. The budget represents a per-equalized-pupil spending of $18,184. This amount falls below the state's spending threshold of $18,311. Districts that exceed the spending threshold are penalized with a higher tax rate. During the three-hour meeting, voters expressed fast support...
Sometime between freshman orientation and Thanksgiving break, a female undergraduate on a campus somewhere in the United States will be sexually assaulted by a peer. A panel will convene to deal with the situation and will inevitably handle things poorly. Just as rape predictably occurs in the fall on some college campuses, campus disciplinary panels are also predictably ill-prepared to properly adjudicate. Why is it that colleges can't respond to such a predictable problem? One explanation is that members of...
At this year's Puppets in the Green Mountains Festival, the performers may be coming from around the world, but Eric Bass believes the festival is really about local community. Bass - who with his wife Ines Zeller Bass co-founded Sandglass Theater in Putney, which is producing the event - said, “This festival would be absolutely impossible without the Vermont people.” The festival depends on major funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Clowes Fund, Inc., Marlboro College and...
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