BRATTLEBORO-In the predawn hours of Nov. 7, a fire tore through the abandoned remains of...
PUTNEY-A fourth appeal to the Vermont Supreme Court has proved unsuccessful in stopping the proposed...
BRATTLEBORO-A group of residents has successfully petitioned for a special Town Meeting to debate whether...
BRATTLEBORO-Once you have lived through a civil war, or been beaten and tortured and starved,
A second appeal to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has resulted in the agency agreeing that a box culvert, replaced after Tropical Storm Irene swept through in 2011, is eligible for additional funds under a separate disaster relief program that offers more flexibility. The staff of state and federal lawmakers stressed that the decision to make the project eligible as a “406 hazard mitigation measure” - so-named after the section of the 1988 Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and...
I am writing about my experience with my recent voter registration drive, which ended on Election Day. My intention was to assist in the effort to make the voting process clear to all people, to remind, and inform. This meant contacting and networking with facilities in Brattleboro that work with the sick, the elderly, and the poor. It also meant ensuring that voter registration forms were available. It was executed pretty much independently. I tried to remain nonpartisan. However, I...
Friends of Music at Guilford is seeking voices (especially tenors and basses) for the Guilford Chamber Singers, to rehearse for the organization's 40th annual “Christmas at Christ Church” program on Dec. 7 and 8. This year, the singers are performing selections from the a cappella Alfred Burt Carols (1942-1954), which were set to texts by Burt's father, Bates G. Burt, and Wihla Hutson as “musical Christmas cards” for friends and family. When the complete collection of 15 carols was published...
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P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
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139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
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