Marlboro College, United Way present ‘Social Media for Nonprofits’ workshop

BRATTLEBORO —  Marlboro College Graduate School and United Way of Windham County will co-sponsor a “Social Media for Nonprofits” workshop on Saturday, Dec. 4.

The day-long workshop will help nonprofits gain an understanding of how organizations can use Facebook, blogs, Twitter and Youtube to raise funds, market services and communicate with stakeholders. During the morning portion, Rebecca Brookes of Upstream Social Marketing will discuss integration of social media into an overall marketing strategy. Mike Hoefer of Hoeferweb will provide step-by-step instruction on setting up a Facebook page for an organization during the afternoon session.

The “Social Media for Nonprofits” workshop runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m,. and the fee is $150 per person. Marlboro College Graduate School is located at 28 Vernon St. in downtown Brattleboro. Registration and more information are available at or by contacting Kate Jellema at 802-451-7510 or

This fall, Marlboro College Graduate School and United Way of Windham County teamed up to pilot a series of workshops for nonprofit organizations, including sessions on serving as a board member and advanced training for executive directors and board chairs working together. Nonprofit management program director Kate Jellema says 30 people attended the “Boarding 101” workshop earlier this month.

“We were pleased to see many boards sending multiple members to the training, including some board members attending together with their executive directors,” says Jellema, adding that plans are already underway to offer additional workshops in conjunction with United Way of Windham County in 2011.

In addition, Marlboro College will begin offering its next Certificate in Nonprofit Management course in January. The certificate combines the best of face-to-face learning with an online learning portal, offering nonprofit leaders and staff an intensive four-month series that helps them gain and refine the essential skills needed to strengthen their organizations and achieve their missions. A complete course list and faculty roster can be found on the web at

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