
The slow march of fascism (U.S. version)

The writer notes that this letter was inspired by the post-World War II prose confession by Pastor Martin Niemoller.

PUTNEY-First they came after the Indians, and we did not speak up, because we were not Indians.

Then they enslaved the Africans, and we did not speak up, because we were not Africans.

Then they went after the immigrants, and we did not speak up, because we had forgotten that we were immigrants, too.

Then they went after the Communists, and we did not speak up, because we had been taught that Communists are bad.

Then they went after queer folks, and we did not speak up, because we didn't think we were queer.

Then they went after the Arabs, and we did not speak up, because we had been taught that the Arabs were terrorists.

Then they went after the environmentalists, and we did not speak up, because we didn't think we were a part of the Earth.

Now they are going after the climate refugees, and will we speak up before we ourselves become refugees, too?

Finally, when with their greed they will have finished off most of the life on our Earth, we will surely not speak up: We will have been eliminated.

Gino Palmeri


The writer notes that this letter was inspired by the post-World War II prose confession by Pastor Martin Niemoller.

This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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