White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

‘May I be strong enough to live by this oath, if need be’

Michael Gigante, Ph.D. notes: "This is a piece I wrote after the first Trump election victory. It feels even more relevant today."

BRATTLEBORO-I am not a Muslim, but I will register as one, if need be;

I am not a Jew, but I will register as one, if need be;

I am neither Black, Brown, Yellow, nor Red, but I will register as each, if need be;

I am not transgender, but I will register as one, if need be;

I am not an uppity woman, but I will register as one, if need be;

I am not a doctor qualified to perform abortions, but I will register as one, if need be;

I am not a lesbian, but I will register as one, if need be;

I am a gay man, and I will proudly register as one, if need be.

These are the dark times which call upon the spirit within to rise up, have courage, and stand in compassion with all of our clan: the totality of life on this planet.

This is my oath to myself, to you, and to our government. May I be strong enough to live by this oath, if need be.

This Voices Poem was submitted to The Commons.

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