
‘Hadestown’ — an amazing theater experience

GUILFORD-On Feb. 15, I saw Hadestown at Brattleboro Union High School. Every year I am impressed by the musicals produced by BUHS. But Hadestown was so ambitious that I was a little apprehensive.

I shouldn't have been. It was incredible! The pit band played throughout almost the entire show - flawlessly. The acting and singing by the students were uniformly excellent. The whole show was so professional that it was hard to believe this was produced by our local high school teachers and students in a relatively short amount of time and in addition to all their other obligations.

Besides being completely immersed in the story and music, I was also bursting with pride.

Way to go, BUHS faculty and students, cast and crew! Thank you for all your hard work in creating this amazing theater experience.

Anne Rider


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