WESTMINSTER-Friends and neighbors of Westminster: Shortly you will be asked to cast your ballot for two open Selectboard seats. This year the stakes could not be higher.
Many of us have seen our most recent property tax bill increase by as much as 25%. This has placed a serious financial burden on us all. As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, each year we open a property tax bill we see an increase. This for many of us is unsustainable.
We have seen our current Selectboard make decisions concerning how the town is run as well as how your tax money is being used increasingly behind closed doors in executive session, without taxpayer input or comment. When public comment is offered, it is often ignored.
Selectboard meetings are not being broadcast by Falls Area Cable Television (FACT). This lack of accountability is troubling.
This year, the two open Selectboard seats are being challenged by Westminster residents Chuck Lawrence and Paul Banik. They are both fine, upstanding citizens. They have promised to serve and not be served.
They have promised to bring back accountability and open government. They have promised to have taxpayer issues discussed in open forum and not behind closed doors.
They have promised to invite all equally to Selectboard meetings to discuss their individual issues, be considered fairly, and be treated in a polite and respectful manner.
They have promised to consider the tax burden we all face and ways to address it.
They have promised to bring back FACT and broadcast Selectboard meetings to those unable to attend.
It is their belief that every person in Westminster be treated fairly no matter where you reside, the taxes you pay, the way you wear your hair, or any other personal preferences.
I ask you to cast your important ballot for both Chuck Lawrence and Paul Banik. The stakes could not be higher.
Bruce Peter Murray
This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.
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