
Young: institutional history, effective communication

DUMMERSTON-Please join me on Town Meeting Day in voting for Kelly Young, of Guilford, who is running for election to the Windham Southeast School District. Even though Kelly is from Guilford, every voter in Guilford, Brattleboro, Putney and Dummerston gets to vote for her.

Kelly has previously served on the Guilford School Board before the merger and then on the WSESD board as a member and then chair of the board for two years. Her tenure gives her institutional history and knowledge, both in terms of networking locally and statewide.

Having grown up in Brattleboro and then lived in Guilford for the last 22 years, Kelly and her husband have raised four children who went to the Guilford Central School and graduated from Brattleboro Union High School. She is committed to ensuring that young people receive as good an education as possible, one that prepares them for as meaningful a life as possible.

Kelly believes that communication among all stakeholders is essential to achieving the best outcomes for all students, who are always the primary focus of a school board. Addressing all students' needs, while considering the impact of rising property taxes, is essential.

She is aware of the local and statewide issues that are critical today as we consider the governor's proposal to change the way we fund education, as well as possibly merging rural community schools into much larger districts.

So please vote for Kelly Young on Town Meeting Day, Tuesday, March 4.

Jody Normandeau


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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