
Evans-Frantz: His presence will be a big win

BRATTLEBORO-There are a number of qualities I look for in an elected official, whether local or on the larger stage.

I think it's important that those who represent me research each issue they'll deal with, to learn the history and contributing factors. They must talk to the people involved and affected and listen well to each. They need to relay comprehensive information to others clearly, in a concise, respectful way.

Isaac Evans-Frantz has got this down! He truly enjoys conversing with people who hold viewpoints different from his, and he works to understand them. He draws folks out and makes them comfortable; they know they're appreciated. In the past five years, I've learned this about Isaac firsthand through the organizing work we do together.

My vote is strongly with Isaac for Brattleboro Selectboard on Tuesday, March 4. We need his presence there; it will be a big win for all of us as residents as well as for the town.

MaryDiane Baker


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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