BRATTLEBORO-If our town is going to resolve the deep problems that have dominated our attention for years, we will need leaders who understand the complexities we face, know the concrete realities of town governance, and have the ability to listen and find consensus among our deeply divided citizens.
Oscar Heller has those qualities.
Oscar has years of Representative Town Meeting membership and he has served for the last six years on its Finance Committee. He is currently the chair. This service has given him a deep understanding of the fiscal and operational systems of town government.
He is an easygoing, nonjudgmental person who is good with people, hardworking, and detail-oriented. This experience and these personal qualities make him by far the most qualified candidate to fix our budget process and get the budget on track again.
Communication among the many like-minded people in Brattleboro has become an ongoing civil war over methods, destroying any chances of success. Oscar has the skills and temperament to draw the community together on the path towards consensus and to begin healing the divisions that have developed under recent leadership.
Oscar can keep our focus on the goals and values we share, and help us realize the community we all envision. Please support him for the 3-year Selectboard position.
David Schoales
This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.
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