
Ford: experience and discipline to Guilford auditor role

GUILFORD-I am writing in support of the write-in candidacy of Lisa Ford for the open three-year seat for town auditor in Guilford.

I have known Lisa for 15 years and have been positively impressed by both her willingness to get involved locally and to assume greater responsibility within those organizations with which she gets involved.

For instance, with children enrolled in the Guilford Central School, Lisa served on the school board. She is currently parent-chair of the Brattleboro Union High School Leadership Council.

Her commitment to providing positive opportunities for all area kids to learn led to her participation on the board of the Boys and Girls Club of Brattleboro, where she serves as board chair and chair of the Finance Committee, working with bookkeepers and auditors to institutionalize best practices and ensure the financial health of the organization.

I know that Lisa has the experience and discipline to do the job. No position for her is a sinecure. She will work with professional accountants, town administrators, and the other town auditors to facilitate the preparation of an auditors' report of the town's finances that will be presented in the Annual Town Report.

I hope that voters will join me in writing in Lisa Ford.

Marty Ramsburg


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