
Jill Stahl Tyler, Brattleboro Selectboard

BRATTLEBORO-Here's a statement you probably didn't think a Selectboard candidate would say: Town politics should be boring.

I'm happy that we have so many people interested in forming Brattleboro's future. I'm saddened, however, by the divisiveness - especially when it shows up in personal attacks as candidates.

A town is more than taxes and services. It's a community of people living together in respect and peace. It's a place where you gather with friends to catch up, work with colleagues to better lives. It's a source of pride when you cheer on the high school basketball team or take in a show. It's where you pick as your place to live, maybe raise a family, or choose as your home base as you retire.

I have three reasons I'm running for Selectboard. First, to form a budget that administers town services at a cost we can all afford. I see that as the traditional role for the Selectboard.

This is putting together a budget, using thoughtful, data-driven decision-making:

• Look for ways to decrease costs, prioritize services, and find efficiencies and redundancies.

• Plan for this year, next year, five years from now, and 25 years into the future.

• Review our reserves, agree on the amount, and budget to bring that back up.

• Know town costs to provide services, EMS in particular.

My second reason for running is to share a vision of Brattleboro as an amazing place and to plan for its vibrant future. This is perhaps not as traditional for a Selectboard race, but it's vitally important.

We all know there are two ways to impact a budget: decrease costs (see above) - and increase revenues. We don't hear as much about that, and this is the fun part of leadership. We could potentially bring down taxes and create an even better Brattleboro if we:

• Seek out revenue sharing with the state of Vermont. The state's General Assistance Emergency Housing program cost the town $34,000 in lost tax revenues and over $500,000 in emergency response calls to the five locations, according to Town Manager John Potters.

• Work with the state to control soaring education and health care costs.

• Apply for funds from the state for Brattleboro's direct costs in dealing with overdoses, showing the direct costs from emergency calls.

• Focus relentlessly on no empty storefronts - downtown, on Putney Road, or in West Brattleboro.

• Go after small-town grants for items that would directly affect quality of life.

• Invest in infrastructure projects that bring people into our town.

• Capitalize on being the entrance to a state already well positioned for tourism.

• Recognize our position as a hub town and coordinate efforts with other smaller towns in the area.

• Think creatively about how to promote our natural setting.

My third reason for running has become clearer as we move closer to the election. I want to encourage collaboration instead of confrontation. I want to change the political discourse in Brattleboro. You won't hear me using the word "crisis," and I'm not "fighting." I'm looking for ways to come together in agreement, trying to find a tone of mutual cooperation.

As a part of that, I'd work with fellow Selectboard members to set up a clear process for public communication with one another, showing all public comments to everyone by posting them on the town website. Likewise, Selectboard members could utilize the town website for informal input on ideas.

I dream of a cooperative effort among the Selectboard, town committees, town staff, citizens. We all share the same goal: We want Brattleboro to become all it can be, for all of us who live here.

In short, I'm running for Selectboard to bring boring back to town politics.

This Voices Candidate Statement was submitted to The Commons.

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