
Jennifer Jacobs, Brattleboro RTM member (District 7)

BRATTLEBORO-I am running for re-election in District 7. I have been a Representative Town Meeting (RTM) member for around 10 years. I share this only to provide some context about my experience with RTM.

Like many other candidates, I have deep roots in this community. I have lived here nearly my entire life, which has included being a parent and a small-business owner. I have been involved in many local organizations and was one of three people who got Brattleboro Area Mutual Aid (neighbors helping neighbors) up and running during the pandemic.

Like so many others, I love this town. I know we have some significant challenges, but I don't let those overshadow all that is good and beautiful about this place. There is much to celebrate about this unique and wonderful corner of the world.

I genuinely appreciate the discussions and debate at RTM. There are always thoughtful and civil (if at times passionate) comments and questions.

For many of the items in the warning, there are important nuances that need to be considered. On more than one occasion, exploring the warned article from all these angles has helped me decide how to vote.

The issues before us are complex and many are at odds with each other. However, taking a "both/and" approach, I look for the most holistic way forward. How do we mitigate the rising property taxes and also ensure we provide the needed services in town?

For RTM to be effective, I believe the elected members must attend with an eagerness to understand each other. We are not showing up just to vote, we are showing up to discuss, debate, listen, and learn.

I can't make a statement about how I will vote on the warned articles because there is more to learn through the discussions. There may also be (will likely be!) amendments made to them.

I hope voters re-elect me based on understanding how I participate in RTM rather than how I will vote.

This Voices Candidate Statement was submitted to The Commons.

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