BRATTLEBORO-The public is invited to a special informational meeting hosted by the Windham Southeast School...
BRATTLEBORO-Ashlyn and Abraham McClurg of Rebop Farm on Sunset Lake Road are reeling but resilient,
BRATTLEBORO-The Annual Town Election takes place for all town voters on Town Meeting Day, Tuesday,
BRATTLEBORO-Upon the advent of the airplane at the turn of the 20th century, locals with...
Southeast Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) reported numbers for the period beginning in October 2013 and ending in September 2014. During that time, 13,157 people in 5,713 households accessed a wide range of services: • 1,688 households received $596,903 in crisis fuel assistance; 478 households received $250,255 in emergency housing assistance. • 2,011 households (4,508 people) received 13,768 diverse services from Family Services. • 242 homes were weatherized ($1.496 million), 89 homes received emergency heating system repairs or replacements ($128,349). •
Some environmentalists, in reference to the current practices of factory farming, overfishing, and methods for energy extraction such as fracking, have called the Western industrialized view of the environment a war against nature. This view applies to the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant in Vernon as well. Over its 42-year history, tons of radioactive waste have been stored on the land there and the Connecticut River has been used as a repository for VY's heat and waste. In terms of environmental...
California trombonist and composer Michael Vlatkovitch makes a rare New England appearance on Friday, April 19, at 8 p.m., at the Open Music Collective. He will be joined by three distinct figures in the Pioneer Valley creative music scene who are dedicated to both performing and encouraging younger generations of musicians through their teaching and research. Meeting as a group for the first time, they are especially excited to present their collaboration at the Open Music Collective, a unique grassroots...
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
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