BRATTLEBORO-In the predawn hours of Nov. 7, a fire tore through the abandoned remains of...
PUTNEY-A fourth appeal to the Vermont Supreme Court has proved unsuccessful in stopping the proposed...
BRATTLEBORO-A group of residents has successfully petitioned for a special Town Meeting to debate whether...
BRATTLEBORO-Once you have lived through a civil war, or been beaten and tortured and starved,
With a hum of voices of children, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances, members of the local literary community came together on Sunday to support one another and affirm their commitment to democracy. Regional literary talents united at the Brattleboro Literary Festival's Writers Resist event - part of an international movement - on Sunday, Jan. 15, the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., at a time of political transition. Editor and writer Bob Parks began with an introduction, describing Writers Resist as...
For 40 years my family resided in Westminster West. One hundred and sixty years before that the Ranney family started farming in Westminster West. I understand it is unique and somewhat rare in Vermont for a farm to be in the same family for 200 years. While living near the farm, the proximity contributed a lot to making it a special place. When Arthur Ranney ran the farm it was a special treat to interact with him. We bought raw...
On Saturday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m., the Broad Brook Grange will show all of its painted theater curtains, described by the program's organizers as “a collection of important folk art works.” Guilford's Grange Hall has four curtains, but they are not ordinarily all viewable on any given occasion. As part of the ongoing 250th anniversary celebration of the town, all four will be lowered and then, over an interval, raised one by one to reveal each of the four...
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