So much for instant gratification

This time of year I find myself thinking about asparagus.

In 1954 my family moved from Maplewood, N.J., to East Bethel, Vt. I was four. We bought an old house and the small adjoining grocery store, which was quickly rechristened Coutant's Country Center. There we stayed until 1962: my mother, father, brother, me, and two dalmatians. My parents were fleeing the confines of suburbia for the simple country life, but central Vermont was pretty bleak in the mid-fifties, especially for flatlanders.

One of the small rewards of our relocation was an asparagus patch.

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Castle Freeman and All That I Have

When Castle Freeman Jr. recently held an open reading and discussion of his new book, All That I Have, at the Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro, he read the first three chapters in a quiet, measured tone that allowed for much of the humor in the story to show...

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Woolly buggers

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Roast asparagus and variations

1 bunch fresh washed squeaky asparagus, woody ends snapped off 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice grated zest of 1 lemon sea salt to taste Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Mix oil with lemon juice and peel, and spread on bottom of rimmed cookie sheet. Pat the asparagus dry or it will steam in the oven instead of roast. Roll asparagus spears in this mixture and add salt to taste. Roast for 15 to 20 minutes,

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A wrinkle in time, a blink in history

Three events conspired to make me write this essay: First, I recently spoke with an old friend who is soon to be 98 and still going strong. Second, I'm teaching a class of college first-years, and they all seem so young! Third, I've just had a birthday. I'm old enough now to find the annual event occasion for reflection. I've been blessed to know many elders who have inspired and believed in me. Their insight has guided me; their friendship...

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