
‘Support this business. It’s a gem.’

BRATTLEBORO — It's a nightmare for a small business owner: a major chain moves into town, undercutting a small business owner on price, and customers flee - with some just aiming to try the competition for a while.

If the small business fails, it is not only a tragedy for its owner; the ramifications are also dire for its employees, for its loyal customers, and for those who have fled and who would no longer have the option to go back if they are not satisfied with the new competitor.

So Brattleboro's Supreme Fitness finds itself in a battle for survival, and as a longtime member, I and other members are asking for your help, and in the process you will help yourself get in shape!

Here's what you need to do: join or rejoin Brattleboro's Supreme Fitness. Support this business. It's a gem.

I say this as an 80-year-old man who knows how important it is, for both mind and body, to keep in shape. Both cardio and weight training are necessary.

I've been a member of Supreme Fitness for about 10 years of its 14-year existence. I and other members, of all ages and genders, of this friendly and supportive place want you to join us!

We must support locally owned businesses in Brattleboro! You can do it! You'll thank yourself! Do it now!

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