802 Credit Union donates $6,000 to Project Feed
BARRE — On Dec. 22, 802 Credit Union Vice President of HR & Compliance Celina Ayers presented a $6,000 check to the 2022 Project Feed Campaign. Ayers also sits on the board of Project Feed the Thousands and presented the check to Kelli Corbeil of WTSA Radio and John Sciacca of Brattleboro Subaru, both board members as well.
802 Credit Union (previously known as River Valley Credit Union) has been a proud community supporter of Project Feed for more than a decade, providing administrative, marketing, and financial support to underwrite the annual campaign.
With the annual Fill the Bus event cancelled due to severe weather, Project Feed said it was left with an even greater need for financial support to meet the 2022 $100,000 goal and that 802 Credit Union was happy to assist with this donation.
The nonprofit takes donations year-round, to help with the continuing food insecurities that families in our communities face. Monetary, tax-deductible contributions may be sent to Project Feed the Thousands, c/o 802 Credit Union, P.O. Box 8366, North Brattleboro, VT 05304. You can also donate at projectfeedthethousands.org or bit.ly/697-feed.
Republicans to meet in Guilford
GUILFORD — The Republican Town Committee will meet on Saturday, Jan. 14, at 11 a.m., at the Town Office, 236 School Road. The main order of business is to select two Republicans who are residents whose names will be submitted to the Selectboard for appointment to the Board of Civil Authority. State statute allows representation on the BCA by at least three people from each major political party.
Pursuant to the November 2022 election, the Republican Party has only one duly elected representative on the BCA and wishes to request appointment by the Selectboard of two additional representatives. All Guilford residents are invited to attend this meeting. Any attendee who is not yet a member of the Town Committee, but wishes to join, will be voted into membership. For more information, call Town GOP Committee Chair Connie Burton at 802-257-1550.
Tracking workshop offered
DUMMERSTON —Forester and naturalist Lynn Levine will host a workshop, “Tracks and Trees: The Art of Seeing,” on Saturday, Jan. 14, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. In case of bad weather, the workshop will be held on Sunday, Jan. 15, at the same time.
Participants will join Levine for an afternoon to experience the wonders of winter, whether they are tracks, scat, or animal signs. Along the way, she will share tips on identifying trees in the winter, and whatever else we see or hear. Participants should dress appropriately for the outdoors and, if necessary, bring snowshoes. Each workshop participant will be provided with their own copy of Levine’s book, Mammal Tracks and Scat: Life-Size Pocket Guide.
Pre-registration with payment of $20 is required. This workshop is limited to a maximum of 15 people. Register by emailing director@vermontwoodlands.org or calling Kate Foldeak at 802-747-7900. Participants must be fully vaccinated. Masks required for the indoor portion of the workshop.
Meeting will discuss bike, pedestrian safety
NEWFANE — A community meeting to discuss ways to make Newfane Village Center safer and more comfortable for walking and bicycling will be held on Thursday, Jan. 19, at 6 p.m., at the Newfane Town Office, 555 VT Route 30.
The meeting will cover the several design options that have been developed to improve safety in Newfane Village Center. To attend via Zoom, go to bit.ly/697-bike. For more information about the project, visit windhamregional.org/transportation/newfane-sidewalk.
RFPL hosts local legislators for monthly chats
BELLOWS FALLS — The public is invited to drop by the Rockingham Free Public Library in Bellows Falls on Saturday, Jan. 21, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., to chat with Windham County state Sens. Nader Hashim, D-Dummerston, and Wendy Harrison, D-Brattleboro, and Windham-3 (Brookline, Rockingham, and Westminster) state Reps. Michelle Bos-Lun, D-Westminster, and Leslie Goldman, D-Bellows Falls.
Subsequent conversations at the RFPL are planned for the third Saturday of the month, February through April: Feb. 18, March 18, and April 15, with a tentative May meeting scheduled for May 20. A table in a quiet corner of the fiction room will be reserved for these conversations.
Death Cafe comes to Putney
PUTNEY — On Saturday, Jan. 21, from 1 to 3 p.m., Brattleboro Area Hospice will host a Death Cafe at Putney Friends Meeting, 17 Bellows Falls Road. This event is free and the public is encouraged to attend. Donations are gratefully accepted and will go to Putney Friends for the use of the space.
Participants are invited to join curious and like-minded folks to talk about death while enjoying tea, coffee, and snacks. A Death Cafe is a group-directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives, or themes. The objective is “to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.” Find out more at deathcafe.com/what.
RSVP by Wednesday, Jan. 18, by emailing info@brattleborohospice.org or calling 802-257-0775.
Monthly free produce available
PUTNEY — The Vermont Foodbank and the Putney Foodshelf will co-sponsor the next monthly drop of free produce and some nonperishable items on Thursday, Jan. 26, from 9 to 9:45 a.m. on Alice Holway Drive (in front of Putney Meadows, the white building across from the Putney Co-op and Putney Fire Station.)
All are welcome. Because of COVID-19, participants are asked to remain in their car at pickup, and volunteers will bring out bags.
Winter Reading Series begins at Southern Vermont Natural History Museum
MARLBORO — Join the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 4 p.m., for a discussion of Rachel Carson’s landmark 1962 book Silent Spring.
Led by Mary Wright, the discussion will cover the book, its historic implications, and how its message remains relevant today. The Pettee Memorial Library, Whitingham Free Library, and Dover Free Library all have copies available.
This event is free to the public but donations to the museum’s educational programming are always appreciated. Refreshments will be served. Contact the museum for more information at vermontmuseum.org or follow the event page at facebook.com/vermontmuseum.
The Winter Reading Series will continue in February with Barry Lopez’s Of Wolves and Men and in March with Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass.