350 Brattleboro hosts community climate conversation
BRATTLEBORO — What’s next for climate action in Vermont? 350 Brattleboro, part of 350VT, a statewide grassroots network, will host a community climate conversation via Zoom, Wednesday, Jan. 18, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Organizers say they hope “to explore how Vermont is doing, and how we can build collective power to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and provide the grassroots support our elected officials need to take bold action.” To register, go to tinyurl.com/BrattClimateConvo.
AARP Vermont offers help to foil fraudsters
BRATTLEBORO — AARP Vermont Fraud Watch presents a deep dive into the world of online fraud.
“Fraud, Scams, and Con-Artists: Coming to a Computer Near You” is a one-hour program live-streamed in a virtual presentation exploring the why and how of scams perpetrated over the internet and basic defense against them.
This presentation addresses the latest cyber threats, featuring how to recognize malicious emails and pop-ups, as well as Wi-Fi issues arising from the increased use of tablets and smart phones.
Two sessions are offered: Thursday, Jan. 19, at 7 p.m., and Friday, Jan. 20, at 2 p.m. This program is free and open to the public. Register by emailing AARP’s Fraud Watch coordinator, Elliott Greenblott, at egreenblott@aarp.org.
Merry Mulch wraps up
BRATTLEBORO — The Brattleboro Union High School Music Department is wrapping up the annual Merry Mulch Christmas tree collection service to Brattleboro residents. For a $10 donation, members of the band and chorus will transport undecorated trees from homes to a community garden in West Brattleboro where they will be chipped into mulch to be used by the gardeners.
Since the town does not offer curbside pick-up of trees, the service saves residents the hassle of transporting their own trees.
One more Saturday pick-up date is being offered on Jan. 21. The deadline for placing orders is Thursday, Jan. 19 at 7 p.m.
All pick-ups must be pre-arranged by calling one of the following numbers at least two days prior to the desired date: 408-693-4588 or 802-380-4550. Proceeds will benefit a spring trip to New York City.
Lunar New Year celebrated on Jan. 22
BRATTLEBORO — The Asian Cultural Center of Vermont (ACCVT) celebrates the Lunar New Year of China, Korea, and Vietnam on Sunday, Jan. 22, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center.
All ages are welcome, and participants don’t have to be Asian or know anything about Asia. The public is invited to usher in the year of the Black-Water-Rabbit. The sign of Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture and promises a period of rest and reflection after the dynamic Year of the Tiger.
The group activities will begin with a potluck, followed by traditional Chinese Dance led by Li Fei Osborne, Taiji and Qigong with Cai Xi, the Korean rope-tug, and traditional New Year songs and crafts.
The celebration wraps with a dragon parade up from the Museum toward Main Street to bring everyone luck for the coming year. Participants are invited to dance with the 30-foot dragon, created by an accomplished Vietnamese craftsman. According to Chinese folklore, this enormous marionette, requiring at least 9 people to hold, is forever chasing the “heavenly pearl” in its pursuit of wisdom. For more information, visit accvt.org.
Historical Society plans annual meeting
DUMMERSTON — Join the Historical Society for its annual meeting and program, “Dummerston Schools: Memories Past and Present,” on Sunday, Jan. 22, at 2 p.m., at the Historical Society’s Schoolhouse Museum in Dummerston Center.
A short business meeting and election of officers will be held first, to be followed by a brief history of the multiple schoolhouses in Dummerston, and then sharing of memories by those who attended and/or taught in the schools. Current students are more than welcome! This will be the society’s first in-person meeting in several years; those attending should wear a mask.
The Dummerston Historical Society building in its earlier life was the District #1 (Center) Schoolhouse, built in 1801 and located a short distance northwest of the original schoolhouse on the Common. It has been moved numerous times in its life and, at one time, was even used as the town garage.
In 1976, as Dummerston’s Bicentennial Committee had its final meeting, the Historical Society was formed and work began on the restoration of the Center school, a gigantic undertaking. The building was again moved, this time to its current site adjacent to the Dummerston Town office.
Restoration was extensive, and the first meeting in the restored Schoolhouse was held Nov. 5, 1981. For information, call 802-254-9311 or 802-380-7525.
Brooks Memorial Library seeks trustee
BRATTLEBORO — The board of Library Trustees of Brooks Memorial Library seeks an enthusiastic and dedicated library user to fill a two-year position on the Board. Candidates should have an interest in maintaining a strong, dynamic, and visionary library in Town. Trustees must be residents of Brattleboro.
The Board, which numbers nine trustees, meets at the Library at 4:45 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month. Members are asked to chair or serve on two or more committees that convene as needed.
For more information on the library, visit Brookslibraryvt.org, and click on “About Brooks,” where library history, the most recent strategic plan, summary, Trustee agendas, minutes, and committees are available.
Applicants should send a letter or email and resume, describing their interest in serving on the Library Board no later than Friday, Jan. 27, at 5 p.m. Mail applications to Trustee Position, Brooks Memorial Library, 224 Main St. Brattleboro, VT 05301 or email trustees@brookslibraryvt.org.