Town and Village

Town plans special meeting on recycling

MARLBORO — The Marlboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on recycling on Saturday, May 13, at 2 p.m. at the Marlboro Community Center.

Residents can also attend the meeting via Zoom by going to, and following the link. The agenda is also linked there.

In a letter to Marlboro residents, the Selectboard said that it “strongly supports recycling and the decision the town has made over the years to support a local recycling depot (drop-off area) currently located at the Highway Department area on Route 9.”

However, the board said that over the past few years “there have been issues with recycling being left on the ground when the containers were full, the dumping of 'non-recycling' trash, and placing of recyclable materials in the wrong container causing 'contamination.'”

All of these issues, the board said, “contribute to a workload for the highway department that takes time away from their main road maintenance duties, causes general disbursement of material due to winds, rain, and other weather conditions, and can increase costs for the town when the containers are cross-contaminated with recyclables.”

The board says it “continues to review possible solutions and would like to reach out to the town's residents to get your input into solving these and other issues.”

If there are any questions regarding how to attend the meeting, email the Selectboard at or call Selectboard Assistant Nick Morgan at the Town Office at 802-254-2181.

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