Town and Village

RFPL offers digital literacy workshops

BELLOWS FALLS — The Rockingham Free Public Library (RFPL) will host free basic digital literacy training workshops for the community this autumn to help close the digital divide.

RFPL is among 215 public libraries nationwide awarded funding by the Public Library Association (PLA) this year to conduct digital literacy workshops using new resources. The PLA Digital Literacy Workshop Incentive, supported by AT&T, provides support to libraries of all sizes to conduct workshops using DigitalLearn training materials to help patrons build skills and confidence using technology.

Topics include computer basics, internet basics, email basics, cyber security, and video conferencing. Patrons can progress their skills through the workshops.

Below is a listing of all the workshops. Each workshop will be offered twice within the same week, on Mondays and Wednesdays, at 10:30 a.m.

• Computer basics: Nov. 13 and 15. Attendees will learn how to navigate the Windows 10 operating system, manage applications using the task manager, find and manage files and folders, save and delete files, and more.

• Internet basics: Nov. 20 and 22. Newly connected users will be introduced to basic terminology, functionality, and navigation of internet browsers, search engines, and websites.

• Email basics: Nov. 27 and 29. Attendees will create a Gmail account, learn how to perform basic email functions, such as sending, receiving, and replying to an email; recognizing and dealing with spam; organizing and deleting emails; and searching for messages.

• Cyber security: Dec. 4 and 6. Participants will learn how to be safer online with accounts and passwords, plus receive an overview of online frauds and scams.

• Video conferencing basics: Dec. 11 and 13. Attendees will learn how to create an account on a popular video conferencing platform (Zoom) and build confidence when using features of the platform in an online meeting.

Classes are free. Registration is not required but encouraged; for more information, contact Reference and Historical Collections Librarian Pamela Johnson-Spurlock at, visit, call 802-463-4270, or stop by the library at 65 Westminster St.

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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