Town and Village

BAJC announces youth programs for the new school year

WEST BRATTLEBORO-Brattleboro Area Jewish Community (BAJC) announces youth programming enrollment for the 2024–25 school year. BAJC offers three programs for different age groups:

• Yalla Chaverim ("Let's go friends!"), ages 6–13 (grade 1–8). This joyous Jewish kids' community meets twice per month during the school year. Highlights include baking in BAJC's outdoor oven, puppet shows, crafts, singing, ethical discussions, traditional practices, and Hebrew language learning. Registration required; scholarships available.

• Tot Shabbat, birth–age 6. Young children and their parents are invited for an evening of child-focused Shabbat including music, movement, Kiddush, and pizza. By donation, RSVP.

• T(w)een program, grades 6–10. Join other teens and tweens four times per year for field trips and fun. Open to people outside the BAJC community. Registration required.

Brattleboro Area Jewish Community, Congregation Shir Heharim ("Song of the Mountains") is a diverse Jewish community in southern Vermont located in a beautiful old farmhouse. Their mission is to provide a context and structure for people to be Jewish together in a rural environment.

This community fosters Jewish pride and identity by participating together in religious, spiritual, educational, social, and cultural experiences. We welcome anyone interested in participating and learning. This is a place for us all to celebrate the joys of Jewish life together with our families and friends. Learn more at

For information about Yalla Chaverim or Tot Shabbat, contact Rabbi Amita Jarmon at . For information about the teen/tween program, contact Rebecca at .

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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