WILMINGTON-The Mid-Term Reunion, a new Deerfield Valley summer event, is aimed at those who attended local schools as well as the faculty and staff of those schools. It will take place on the weekend of July 25–27.
Organizers say plans are well under way, and they are looking for more volunteers to help with the planning and preparation. Jobs include organizing individual reunions, publicity, social media, and design and upkeep for a website which will be rolled out in the near future.
Every 10 years since 1890, Wilmington has held its Old Home Week for residents past and present. People come from all over to join present residents in celebration of their connections and home towns.
"At every Old Home Week, people say, 'This was so much fun - we should do it more often.' That thought was the beginning of the Mid-Term Reunion," organizers said in a news release. "It will take place halfway between Wilmington's Old Home Week, which is held on years ending in zero. So The Mid-Term will be held on years ending in 5."
The Reunion is open to those who went to Wilmington, Whitingham, or Twin Valley schools, as students, faculty, or staff. Its purpose is to encourage those who went to small area schools to keep connected.
The first weekend of the Blueberry Festival will occur that same weekend, so it is the perfect complement to the Reunion.
The initial planning, done by Bob Edwards and Nicki Steel, calls for time on Saturday afternoon at the Old School in Wilmington (and perhaps the current Twin Valley Middle/High School in Whitingham) to tour the building(s), view memorabilia and see vintage videos and photos.
Saturday night will be a social time with food, music and connections. Other events will be added, depending on interest and volunteer support. Individual classes can plan to get together in smaller gatherings throughout the three days. While individual classes would do their own planning, a central clearing house will help get the word out.
To volunteer or to get more information, email whstvalumni@gmail.com or check the Facebook page Wilmington High School Friends.
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