Town and Village

Guilford Center School creates Harriet Potter Stewart Virkstis Memorial Fund

GUILFORD-The Guilford Central School and the family of the late Harriet Virkstis announce the creation of the Harriet Potter Stewart Virkstis Memorial Fund.

According to a news release, the purpose of the Fund is twofold. It will be used to provide financial assistance to students who have a demonstrated interest in, or may benefit from, enrichment opportunities such as attending a summer camp or activities in the arts, athletics, or academics. Income may also be used "to provide support for obtaining Family Counseling or other wellness services that may be recommended by a parent or guardian, primary care physician, or school employees such as teachers, administrators, or counselors who work directly with the student, but which may not otherwise be available to the student due to financial considerations."

Virkstis was a beloved teacher and counselor at Guilford Central School for many years, beginning in the early 1970s and then from 1987 until 2003. She loved the school and served the children of Guilford with love and compassion. "Mrs. V," as she was affectionately known, was, according to her husband, Richard, once referred to as "the heart of the Guilford School."

Her positive approach was evidenced when an upset girl came to her office in tears, and reportedly was greeted by Virkstis's welcoming smile. The student said, "Mrs. V, you are just cursed with a sunny disposition."

"She formed deep bonds with her colleagues and many of the children," the announcement continued. "Her work and presence at Guilford made their world a better place." The hope is that the Fund will "perpetuate the spirit of Harriet's work in making a positive impact on the lives of current and future generations of Guilford children."

Donations to the Harriet Potter Stewart Virkstis Memorial Fund may be mailed to Guilford Central School, 374 School Rd., Guilford, VT 05301. Checks should be made out to Guilford Central School with "HPSV Memorial Fund" written in the memo line.

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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