Town and Village

Around the Towns

Kindergarten registration begins in Brattleboro

BRATTLEBORO — If you have a child who will be five years old by Sept. 1, 2023, it is time to sign up for kindergarten for the 2023–24 school year.

To register, visit and click on Enrollment under Services. All forms are there to print, fill out, and mail back or to fill out online. Registration forms will be mailed to households by request.

Return the printed forms to WSESU Central Office, 53 Green St., Brattleboro, VT 05301. For more information on registration, contact (1)Melissa Cavanaugh at 802-579-1013 or, or Tracey Drotts at 802-254-3730, ext. 29, or

LGUHS Journey Away hosts Mardi Gras fundraiser

TOWNSHEND — Everyone is invited to a Mardi Gras Party, Friday, Feb. 17, from 6 to 8 p.m., in Leland & Gray’s Dutton Gymnasium. Attendents can learn about the school’s Journey Away (formerly Journey East) program while enjoying an evening of drug- and alcohol-free, New Orleans-inspired fun.

Journey Away students are raising money for a field study to investigate the impacts of climate-related disasters across the country. They will travel by train first, to New York City and then, 36 hours on Amtrak’s Crescent to New Orleans to collect oral histories and vox-pop style interviews with folks they meet along the way.

At the Feb. 17 party, students will share how they imagine this trip might be transformative and what they look forward to. The itinerary will be on display and donations will be accepted. At a listening booth, they will collect participants’ stories of travel and climate disasters. A small silent auction will also be conducted.

Donations are also accepted at For more information, contact Journey Away Director Jessa Harger at

High-elevation birding is topic of Audubon talk

BRATTLEBORO — On Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 7 p.m. at Brooks Memorial Library, the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society presents a free talk on “Birding in the boreal forest, krummholz, and alpine zone,” by Daron Tansley.

Tansley regularly ventures into the mountains of New England, often starting a hike at night in order to watch the sun rise and listen to the morning chorus from the summit. When hiking these mountains in winter, he says he is in awe of species such as Canada Jays and Boreal Chickadees that remain at high elevations, living in harsh conditions.

The presentation will start with photos of some of the birds, wildlife, and landscapes observed during his hikes throughout the year. Tansley will discuss birds’ food storage strategy and the impact of climate change on cached food, reproductive success, and range.

The talk will include the controversial topic of whether to feed birds, considering the context of the three questions posed by Audubon regarding feeding: Is the species at risk? Is the food appropriate and safely provided? Is feeding the bird likely to change its behavior in harmful ways?

RFPL hosts discussion on Rockingham’s Outstanding Resource Waters

BELLOWS FALLS — On Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the Rockingham Free Public Library’s top floor meeting room, the public is invited to a discussion about Rockingham’s Outstanding Resource Waters, sponsored by the Rockingham Conservation Committee and the Windham Regional Commission.

These organizations, with support from Rockingham residents, are working on the nomination of three sites in the town of Rockingham as Outstanding Resource Waters.

This discussion will explain what Outstanding Resource Waters are, identify and describe the potentially nominated sites, and the impact this designation will, or won’t, have on these sites. There will be plenty of time for questions and to learn how to get more involved. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Laurel Green at 802-289-4464.

Senior lunch served in Dummerston

DUMMERSTON — Evening Star Grange and Senior Solutions will present their next Senior Lunch on Wednesday, Feb. 22, with in-house seating at the Grange hall at noon and take-outs available from 11:30 am until 1 p.m. They will be serving either meat or vegetable lasagna, green salad, and garlic bread, with bread pudding for dessert.

Reservations are requested by Feb. 21. Call the Grange at 802-254-1138 and leave name, telephone number, number of meals, whether eating in or taking out, and meat or vegetarian option.

A donation of $3 for those 60 and older and $4 for the younger folks is requested. The Evening Star Grange is located at 1008 East West Road in Dummerston Center.

Bone Builder class begins in West Brattleboro

WEST BRATTLEBORO — A new Bone Builder exercise class will begin at the West Village Meetinghouse at 29 South Street. Classes will be held twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday at 12:30 p.m. The first class will be on Feb. 28 if enough participants sign up. Weights are provided on site for the one-hour class.

Green Mountain RSVP trains Bone Builders class leaders, and classes are offered throughout Windham County. Participation has been shown to prevent or slow osteoporosis in older adults; improve balance, strength, and flexibility; and enhance and improve well-being and socialization.

More information can be found at Contact class leader Bev Miller at or 802-251-5598. Participants must fill out forms before attending.

Brattleboro Area Hospice seeks items for online auction

BRATTLEBORO — Brattleboro Area Hospice’s annual Treasured Goods online auction is looking for donations of high-quality pieces of furniture, jewelry, designer/luxury china and porcelain, and art.

Contact Ellen Smith at if you have an item you’d like to discuss donating. The deadline for donating items is April 15. Call 802-257-0775 or visit

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