
Brattleboro Camerata welcomes spring on April 21 at BMC

BRATTLEBORO-The Brattleboro Camerata presents "Make it a Place of Springs" Sunday, April 21, at the Brattleboro Music Center. This 4 p.m. concert will feature Renaissance-era and modern music exploring nature and the natural world.

"Our spring program is all about nature, with pieces on swans, crickets, deer, seasons, flowers, trees, fleas, bees, and blue birds," Musical Director Jonathan Harvey said in a news release. "We're singing in English, Latin, Italian, and French to music from the Renaissance era as well as the 20th and 21st centuries.

Harvey explains the program's title, "Make it a Place of Springs" is a line taken from a piece by recent Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Caroline Shaw called "and the swallow," written in 2017. The piece is a setting of Psalm 84, and Shaw has said she was inspired by two humanitarian crises: the Syrian civil war, and the southern border of the United States.

"The text speaks to a yearning for home, and the title line references the idea that in creating a new home while on a journey, sometimes one can take a desolate place and 'make it a place of springs,'" says Harvey. "Our concert has several other pieces that reference water springs, and since this is a springtime concert, it feels like the right name."

The Brattleboro Camerata is a chamber choir devoted to exploring the beauty and power of Renaissance-era and Renaissance-inspired music. "Its performances breathe new life into old music," says the BMC's website, "bringing vivid and expressive intensity to innovative thematic programs that highlight canonic favorites, under-performed gems by neglected voices, and new works that allow audiences to see early music in a different light."

Tickets are $20 ($25 at the door), $10 for youths and free for under 12, and are available online on the BMC website at, by calling 802-257-4523, or by emailing

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