Town and Village

Windham County Retired Educators plan spring meetings

Windham County Retired Educators will begin its series of spring meetings at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 10, at Holton Hall on the Winston Prouty Center campus.

Following a brief business meeting, those in attendance will hear from a representative of the Vermont State Teachers' Retirement System regarding the work of the state on behalf of retirees in the system. Attendees are free to bring a lunch or reserve one. Beverages and dessert will be provided.

Membership in the association is open to anyone who worked in a public, private, pre-school, or post-secondary education role.

The Windham County Retired Educators Association is an affiliate of the Vermont Retired Educators Association and supports its activities which include lobbying to promote legislation benefiting all older Vermonters.

One of the critical activities of the association is the support of annual scholarships. (1)The Beryl Gardner Scholarships are awards to students completing their high school education at Community High School of Vermont. CHSV is operated by the Vermont Department of Corrections for adult inmates who wish to complete high school or take an equivalency exam. These competitive awards are issued to those continuing their education.

Members of the Association will meet Tuesday, May 14, for a presentation on fraud awareness, and again on Tuesday, June 11, to hear about Medicare and Medicare Advantage programs.

Those who are retired from a position in an educational setting or will be retiring at the end of the current academic year are invited to become members. If interested, contact Joanne Corey at or Elliott Greenblott at

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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