
Dimick leads watercolor workshop

SAXTONS RIVER-The Saxtons River Art Guild (SRAG) will offer a workshop with watercolorist John Dimick on Saturday, May 4, at the United Church of Bellows Falls, 8 School St., from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The theme of the workshop is "Painting Water ... Ripples, Reflections, and Whitewater."

Dimick will demonstrate and discuss his techniques for drawing using a grid system and reference photo, for identifying and defining the white areas he wants to protect, and for splattering paint. He will also discuss the advantages of preserving the white of the paper over gouache, as well as tools such as frisket and painter's tape, for preserving the white areas.

Dimick is an award-winning artist at various juried shows and a member of the Vermont Watercolor Society. His work has been featured in a number of regional publications. Vermont Artisan Designs in Brattleboro carries many of his paintings, prints, and notecards. He will bring some of his paintings to the workshop. His work may be viewed at

The workshop is open to all abilities, with some watercolor experience recommended. Participants should bring a completed drawing, a color reference photo, watercolor paints and brushes, tape, and frisket/masking fluid if possible. Workshop fees are $70 for SRAG members and $90 for nonmembers.

SRAG will offer coffee and tea, and participants are welcome to bring a lunch. To register or for more information, contact Carolyn Berglund at

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